
Dialoge voice of the month

Nobel Peace Center, October 2023

People Meet People

People Meet People” is a dialogue method and low budget concept, developed as a response to immigrants and people in the local community asking for tools for increasing contact, understanding and knowledge about each other. The core idea driving the project is that for integration to evolve from policy to material event, actual people need to meet as subjects and open their hearts to each other. The concept involves collaboration between local libraries, voluntary organizations and language learning centres for newcomers

Foto: Erik Holand

Dialog voice of the month

Nobel Peace Center, October 2023

What is People Meet People

In 2015, the first “People Meet People” event was organized. Ten immigrants and ten people from the local community were invited and connected in the local library. We were amazed and thrilled after our first event. People laughed, cried, and were moved and touched when they shared stories from their private conversation with everyone. Later in the same year, “People Meet People” was awarded the prize for the best idea in the field of integration in Southern Norway by the Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi). The award letter said:

“The winner concept has a topical approach based on the idea that local communities want to mobilize, contribute and take responsibility in integrational issues. The idea has great potential and the concept should be transferred to other municipalities in our country. The idea is unorthodox and creative, focusing on immigrants as an enrichment for local communities. The idea is smart and has a simplicity in its complexity; it recognises that most people actually want to meet, and have an inherent desire to meet”

Make the world a bit smaller and be a part of the “People Meet People” movement. The dialogue method is easily transferable, it is heart-warming and has low costs. Join “People Meet People” and create a new and including spot in our community! Please contact us for more information.

IT was so powerful! Many tears, a lot of laughs, a lot of emotions, amazing reflections. Wow!

Katarzyna Lotowska

Organizing “People meet people” in Bialystok, Poland


Hilde Mjøs

Project Manager

Arendal Voksenopplæring

Lisbeth Iversen


Med Hjerte For Arendal

Kristin Flo


Arendal Bibliotek
